
iSee VC Pty Limited has its origins in the joint Industry/Australian Government funded Smart Services Cooperative Research Centre. The Centre was tasked with developing new and innovative collaboration technologies for the global education and professional services sector. A key focus was improving the ability for people to meet in large groups to learn, work and network together without the need for travel. 

As part of the CRC a research group under Prof. Farzad Safaei investigated how advances in the multiplayer game sector could be used to overcome the limitations of conventional video conferencing. A key limitation for large groups in conventional video conferencing is that there is only one shared audio channel and one shared screen share data channel for everyone in the session. As the size of a session grows, this quickly limits the ability of people to seek out each other to form relationships or form spontaneous flexible groups to disucss ideas within a larger gathering.

The research group managed to overcome the limitations of conventional video conferencing by solving the bandwidth management issues associated with placing video conferencing within a 3D multiplayer game engine. This allows people to engage and interact with each other in a way that is very similar to the real world, but with the added freedom of accessible 3D virtual worlds.

In 2014 iSee VC Pty Limited was created to bring the ground breaking technology developed in the Smart Services CRC to the world. iSee VC Pty Limited owns all of the intellectual property developed by the CRC for spatial video and is focused on the task of bringing the next generation of online collaboration and relationship building to enterprise customers around the world.